Recent Projects


DS–Conditional–One and DS–Conditional–All Built with C++ Jun 2018

This library is developed to perform efficient and exact computation of Dempster’s and Fagin-Halpern conditionals.

DeepDerm (Python)

Built with Python, TensorFlow, Scikit-Learn, Google-Cloud, Pandas and Scipy Feb 2018

Applied machine-learning and deep learning techniques to dermatological data for disease prediction according to the attributes a particular patient has. DeepDerm achieved a 98.6% accuracy.
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VRTeacher (C#)

Built with Occulus, C# and Unity Dec 2017

VRTeacher is a virtual reality whiteboard with presentation tools. VRTeacher allows the user to draw on a virtual whiteboard using virtual reality to augment communication and teaching. The engine behind it was developed using Unity and C#.
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CCL (C++)

Conditional Computation Library Built with C++ 2017

This library is developed to perform computation of arbitrary conditional beliefs in the Dempster-Shafer belief theoretic framework.

BCL (C++)

Belief Computation Library Built with C++ 2016

This library is developed to perform efficient and exact computation of Dempster–Shafer theoretic operations.

Multiprocessing and Full Disc File System (BCPL)

An operating system (OS) built with BCPL 2014

Shapes Identifying Robot, Techno and Robogames

Autonomous robot built with PIC18F452, mikroC, DC motors, Sonar and IR sensors IESL 2009

Robot navigates and identifies 3 randomly placed 3D shapes — a sphere, cube and pyramid.

Fire Fighting Robot, Robot Design and Competition

Autonomous robot built with PIC18F452, mikroC, Sonar and IR sensors UoM 2008

Fire fighting robot capable of navigating obstacles, successfully locating and extinguishing fire.